Boosting quality of life by as much as 90% and combatting homelessness
Manchester based property developer, Bricks & Soul Ltd have released figures from their recent social impact report completed by leading, independent economics consultancy, Hatch Regeneris. The report goes in to detail about how their developments are helping those most vulnerable in our society, boosting their quality of life by as much as 90%. Whilst simultaneously boosting the local economy by as much as £72,000 per property.
Property developer working with local providers without any need for government subsidy
Bricks & Soul is a privately owned property development company who specialise in working in partnership with registered providers, councils, support providers and national charities. The company provide quality homes for vulnerable people with a broad spectrum of needs across the North West, without any need for government subsidy.
Saving the public purse
The report which measures a full year of impact, goes in to detail about the positive value the scheme has had on the formerly homeless tenant’s lives. “Putting the tenants first meant the results for everyone involved were extraordinary. The social impact on these 2 projects alone is £77,200 per year and the saving to the public purse is £142,200 per year, which really puts in to perspective what Bricks & Soul are achieving. This is an affordable solution to solving the homeless crisis.” Said Tors Sinclair, Founder of Bricks & Soul Ltd.
One of the previously homeless tenants on the project stated “The house was decorated so beautifully, it made me feel so comfortable. The feeling of being homeless had gone and I felt I was finally home.” Results in the report showed that the 4 previously homeless tenants had a 95% increase in confidence, a 90% uplift in quality of life and a 36% uplift in mental wellbeing amongst other positive improvements.
Over £100,000 spent in the local economy
The impact on the local economy is highlighted throughout the report, citing that on the two properties measured, £105,000 was spent in the local economy, including all materials and labour from local businesses. “We are passionate about supporting local economies and working with local people. We want to ensure that the renovation of our houses are done by local people for local people. That’s why our skilled workforce through collaborations, come from the North West and share our passion for restoring empty properties to their former glory, for people in society who need them most.” Said Tors Sinclair, Founder of Bricks & Soul Ltd
Collaborate with Bricks & Soul
We would like to collaborate with more supported living providers, councils and housing associations to deliver quality housing so please get in touch if you would like to would like to work with Bricks & Soul http://www.bricksandsoul.co.uk/getintouch/ or contact us tors@bricksandsoul.co.uk 07885066567